Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Student Journal: Exciting things this summer

The most exciting things this summer by Kiea Wylie
I have done exciting things throughout the summer in these past few months. The overall exciting event was the trip to Denver.  I went with the Youth Ministry at my church, called Light Church. It was the second Missions Trip we attended  and I have to say it was a very useful, spiritual growing trip. Denver is a glorious city, mountains in every view, and active people every way you turn, weather at a nice breeze or the up most ecstatic environment. If I were to live in any other city, Denver would be the place.
While there, we hit our main focus, which was to bring more people into God’s Kingdom. Specifically meeting the needs of the vagabonds (homeless). We did things such as Breakfast Plunges, which is going out on the streets and finding someone who appears as if they are homeless and take them to breakfast. Other intriguing events consisted of volunteering at one of the oldest church’s in Denver, where there is hot meals giving out to the homeless every Tuesday, distributing pastries and cold water to Day Labors, assisting in a local church camp with kids of all ages with different ethnicities and also spending a day as a homeless person. Emotions ran through and out the entire week. What a uplifting feeling it was to know that I was doing a good deed.
I enjoyed myself each and every step of the way. It’s important to appreciate what you have when you have it. Always be thankful and grateful for the little things in life, because if you lose them it will definitely be hard to overcome. A homeless person is not an animal, but to look deep inside that person’s background you will be amazed at the words expressed from that person’s orifice. 

1 comment:

  1. It seems like this was a life-changing experience for you Klea. Keep doing God's work and he will surely reward you.
